Ayesha Butt

Image Consultancy

I specialize in empowering my clients to enhance their personal, professional, and social image by focusing on their appearance, behavior, and communication skills.


  • Providing guidance on appropriate attire and fashion choices
  • Offering insights on where to shop for suitable clothing
  • Assisting with hair styling and color recommendations
  • Providing guidance on makeup products and application techniques
  • Skin improvement guidance (involving doctors, cosmetologists, and dermatologists)
  • Weight control (involving doctors, gyms, or trainers)
  • Helping clients improve body posture for a more confident presence


  • Assisting clients in identifying and correcting detrimental habits
  • Working together to transform limiting beliefs and foster a positive mindset
  • Providing guidance on etiquette and proper social conduct
  • Conducting confidence-building exercises and activities
  • Developing effective interpersonal skills for personal and professional interactions


  • Coaching clients on effective speaking techniques and strategies
  • Offering guidance on timing and appropriate topics of conversation
  • Providing insights on engaging in conversations during social gatherings
  • Assisting in developing strong negotiation skills
  • Teaching assertiveness techniques to help clients express themselves confidently

By addressing these aspects of appearance, behaviour, and communication, I empower my clients to cultivate a strong personal, professional, and social image.

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